Monday, March 31, 2014

Jalapeño Chicken Burgers with Avocado & Mango Salad

After an awesome weekend of absolute gluttony in Austin, this week is strictly chicken, fruit & veggies to try to get back on track.  I found these pre-made jalapeño chicken burgers at Giant Eagle, but you could easily make your own with some ground chicken, chopped jalapeños & garlic powder.

I wasn't sure what to serve with this so I threw together some avocado, mango and line juice as a salad atop the burgers. This came out so good & was super simple. Enjoy!

-  4 jalapeño chicken burgers  (if you can't find these premade, mix together 1lbs lean ground chicken, 1 finely chopped jalapeño & 1tbsp garlic powder then form 4 burgers)
- 1 medium avocado, chopped
- 1 medium mango, skinned & chopped
- 1tbsp lime juice

Heat a grill pan over medium-high heat and grill the burgers, about 5-7 minutes per side, until cooked through.

While the burgers are cooking, in a medium bowl, mix together the avocado, mango & lime juice.

Serve the salad atop the burgers and enjoy!!

- Since I used premade chicken burgers, the fat & sodium content is higher than if you did it on your own.
- Swap the chicken burgers and serve the salad atop 2 grilled chicken breasts for an even leaner meal.
- Make this salad to serve as a condiment to your favorite tacos.
- Garnish with some Siracha to spice this dish up!

Nutritional Info per Serving (recipe yields 2 servings):
Calories:  520
Fat: 27g (all from avocado & chicken, though, so it's "good" fat)
Sodium: 1250mg
Carbs: 29g
Protein: 55g

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