Sunday, June 15, 2014

Island-Time Chicken Kabobs

With start of spring/summer and constantly being outside, I haven't had much time to focus on prepping meals or posting blogs. Since our nice weather is so limited here in Cleveland, we savor every moment of sunshine we possibly get!

But tonight's spin on some standard chicken kabobs was just too good not to share! I LOVE fruit and summertime fruit is my favorite! I bought 4lbs of peaches and a whole watermelon on Sunday and I single-handed ate the entire stash within 4 days.

Since I haven't really been up to eating chicken lately, I've been trying to think of ways I could overshadow the chicken and trick myself into thinking I am just eating the sweet-summertime-goodness I've been craving! So instead of the classic veggies I usually incorporate into my chicken kabobs, I swapped them for some of summer's best fruit offerings! 

I found the perfect marinade packet from McCormick to bring the Island flavors to our Cleveland patio! It was the perfect summertime meal and a great way to get us excited for our Island getaway next week.

- 1lb boneless, skinless chicken breast, cut into 30 chunks
- 1/2 of a fresh pineapple, cored and cut into 12 chunks
- 1 mango cut into 12 chunks (I bought these already prepped at Giant Eagle)
- I medium red onion, cut into thick slices, about 24 slices
- 1 McCormick Island Woodfire Grill marinade packet
- 1/4c extra virgin olive oil
- 2 tbsp water
- 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar

Mix together the marinade packet, EVOO, water and vinegar. Pour over the chicken in a freezer bag. Let marinade in the fridge for 1-hour or overnight.

Once the chicken is done marinading, make your kabobs by alternating the chicken, pineapple, mango, and onion until you run out of the ingredients. I evenly placed 2 pieces of mango, 2 pieces of pineapple, 4 pieces of onion, and 5 pieces of chicken on each skewer to make 6 kabobs.

Grill over medium heat for about 15-20 minutes, until the chicken is cooked through, turn once.

- Serve with a side of jasmine rice or some grilled veggies 
- To cut back on the carbs, swap one of the fruits for a veggie such as an orange bell pepper or a yellow squash

Nutritional Info Per Serving (recipe yields 2 servings - 3 kabobs per serving):
Calories: 550g
Fat: 11g
Sodium: 375mg
Carbs: 64g
Protein: 52g


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Grilled Romaine Chicken Caesar Salad

I discovered a new line of Bolthouse Farm salad dressings made with yogurt this week at the grocery store....Caesar and Ranch dressings with only 45 calories per serving but it doesn't taste like you're eating chalk, YES PLEASE!

This gave me the idea to make Caesar salads but step it up a notch but grilling everything - not just the chicken.Grilling the romaine and tomatoes brings out the natural flavor of both and really makes you forget your eating a salad for dinner.

- 6 boneless, skinless chicken tenderloins (about .75lbs)
- Garlic powder
- Black pepper
- 6oz romaine lettuce (I bought the bagged romaine with 3 bunchesand used 2 of them) with the stalk trimmed off the end
- 2 medium tomatoes, thinly sliced into half-moons
- 1/4c shaved Parmesan cheese (I used Frigio brand)
- 4 tbsp of Bolthouse Farms Caesar Parmigiano dressing with yogurt (sold in the produce section)


Heat a grill pan over medium-high heat. Season your chicken with garlic powder and black pepper to taste - I just evenly coat each side with a thin layer of both. Cook the chicken in the grill pan until cooked through, about 5-7 minutes per side. Once cooked, place on a plate and set aside.

Next add the tomatoes to the grill pan and cook for about 30 seconds per side. Place on a plate and set aside.

Finally, add the romaine to the grill pan and cook until it begins to wilt - about 1 minute per side.

Place the romaine on a serving platter and top with the chicken, tomatoes, shaved parm and dressing and enjoy!

- When plating, separate the the ingredients into 2 different servings.
- I'm not a fan of croutons, but feel free to add them to this classic favorite for that extra crunch.

Nutritional Info per Serving (recipe yields 2 servings):
Calories: 298
Fat: 8g
Sodium: 489mg
Carbs: 13g
Protein: 49g

Chocolate Granola Banana Cookies

When it snows on a "spring" day in April, you have to do something to cheer yourself tonight I baked! Justin is working late so I decided to whip up a batch of some cookies for the kids before making dinner when he gets home later.

I got the idea for this recipe after seeing a friend post a very similar recipe on Facebook a few weeks back. Plus, I've been trying to find new ways to incorporate the ever-so-delicious Whirlybird Granola I have in my pantry. Since Whirlybird is all-natural and 100% handmade, you can feel good about eating these cookies.

With only 3 ingredients and hardly any prep time, this was a very simple way to make a batch of cookies, and the result was rather tasty!!

- 1 cup of chocolate granola (I used Whirlybird Granola...order yours here: )
- 3 ripe bananas, cut into small circles
- 2 tbsp of Light Butter Spread made with Canola Oil (I use Land-O-Lakes brand)

Preheat your oven to 350*.

Put all of the ingredients in a large bowl and mix together using a potato masher until the bananas are pretty well mashed and the ingredients are well combined. Refrigerate for 15 minutes.

Drop tablespoons of the cookie mixture on a cookie sheet - you should get 14 cookies.

Bake for 12 minutes & then let cool for 5 minutes before eating.


- The combo of granola & bananas makes this the perfect breakfast on the go!
- This is a great way to sneak in a fruit serving into your kids diet, and they will never know they're eating healthy.
- Using the light butter spread cuts down on fat, calories, and cholesterol.

Nutritional Facts per Serving (recipe yields 7 servings of 2 cookies per serving):
- Calories: 150
- Fat: 5g
- Sodium: 49mg
- Protein: 3g
- Carbs: 24g

Monday, March 31, 2014

Jalapeño Chicken Burgers with Avocado & Mango Salad

After an awesome weekend of absolute gluttony in Austin, this week is strictly chicken, fruit & veggies to try to get back on track.  I found these pre-made jalapeño chicken burgers at Giant Eagle, but you could easily make your own with some ground chicken, chopped jalapeños & garlic powder.

I wasn't sure what to serve with this so I threw together some avocado, mango and line juice as a salad atop the burgers. This came out so good & was super simple. Enjoy!

-  4 jalapeño chicken burgers  (if you can't find these premade, mix together 1lbs lean ground chicken, 1 finely chopped jalapeño & 1tbsp garlic powder then form 4 burgers)
- 1 medium avocado, chopped
- 1 medium mango, skinned & chopped
- 1tbsp lime juice

Heat a grill pan over medium-high heat and grill the burgers, about 5-7 minutes per side, until cooked through.

While the burgers are cooking, in a medium bowl, mix together the avocado, mango & lime juice.

Serve the salad atop the burgers and enjoy!!

- Since I used premade chicken burgers, the fat & sodium content is higher than if you did it on your own.
- Swap the chicken burgers and serve the salad atop 2 grilled chicken breasts for an even leaner meal.
- Make this salad to serve as a condiment to your favorite tacos.
- Garnish with some Siracha to spice this dish up!

Nutritional Info per Serving (recipe yields 2 servings):
Calories:  520
Fat: 27g (all from avocado & chicken, though, so it's "good" fat)
Sodium: 1250mg
Carbs: 29g
Protein: 55g

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Seared Tuna Steaks with Garlic Couscous

I never order seafood at restaurants, primarily because I am allergic to shellfish & salmon. The only time I ever order tuna is when we get sushi. So when I ordered Ahi Tuna when we were in New Orleans a couple months ago, that was a huge change for me...and it turned out to be one of the most delicious meals I've ever tasted!

The Ahi Tuna was served over sauteed spinach that was so good, I would've honestly chosen to eat it over ice cream. I am sure it was made with mounds of butter & garlic, but hey...when in Rome (or in this case, NOLA). I've been thinking about that meal since that night and even ordered something similar recently while out to dinner, which ended up being a total dud.

Nonetheless, they had some tuna steaks at Giant Eagle a couple weeks ago so I picked them up and thought I would try my hand at it. Justin forgot the spinach I ordered when I sent him shopping this past weekend, so I had to settle with serving it over some quick boxed couscous. For my first try at seared tuna, I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. Although it wasn't as good as the meal I had in NOLA, it served as a decent substitute until we can make our way back down to the Big Easy. 

Plus tuna steaks are lo-cal, lo-fat, lo-carb, and SUPER high-protein. Not to mention, the total cooking time is 5 minutes for these bad boys. Also, this entire meal cost me $15 - one meal alone at a nice restaurant would run you $25-30.

WARNING: These are served raw so if you aren't into raw fish - or if you are pregnant - this is not for you!

- (2) 8oz tuna steaks
- 2 tsp extra virgin olive oil
- Kosher salt & black pepper
- 1 6oz box of roasted garlic & parsley pearl couscous (I used Sidemates brand)

Cook the couscous according to the package but skip the extra virgin olive oil.

Meanwhile, heat a large cast-iron skillet over medium-high heat. Brush each tuna steak with 1/2tsp of extra virgin olive oil & sprinkle with salt & pepper to coat. Repeat on the other side.

Once the skillet is hot, add the tuna steak and cook for 2 1/2 minutes. Flip and cook for another 2 1/2 minutes. 

Remove from the skillet and place on a plate, letting it rest for 5 minutes prior to serving.

Serve with one serving of the couscous and garnish with lemon. So simple, yet so good...and good for you!

- Skip the couscous and serve with a side of sauteed or roasted fresh veggies to make this super healthy.

Nutritional Facts per Serving: Tuna Steaks Only (1 Serving = 1 8oz portion)
Calories: 280
Fat: 6g
Sodium: 380mg
Protein: 60g
Carbs: 0g

Nutritional Facts per Serving: Couscous Only (3 servings per box)
Calories: 210
Fat: 1g
Sodium: 510mg
Protein: 6g
Carbs: 44g

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Blueberry, Sweet Potato & Granola Breakfast Cookies

Sorry for the hiatus the last week or so. Between work, the boys, potty training, and trying to enjoy the (minimal) spurts of decent weather, I haven't found much time to blog. I've just been making recipes I've already posted and haven't dabbled with anything new. Alas, the cold spell had me in a baking (bored-out-of-my-mind) mood Sunday so I opted to make something for the boys.

I've tricked Jake into thinking Pop-Tarts are "breakfast cookies" so he loves eating them for breakfast. I was pretty proud of getting him to think this is a cookie instead of insisting on actual cookies for breakfast...and every other meal/snack. However, Justin still disapproves of the amount of "breakfast cookies" Jake eats during the week.

Side-note: I remind Justin often that we're just a couple of working parents trying to survive mornings & get out the door on time and if he's interested in trying to change Jake's eating habits in addition to working 50-60 hours a week, he can have at it! I prefer to keep my sanity and the diet full of breakfast cookies.

Moving on....I make muffins when I can on the weekends for the week because Nick loves them. To be honest, Nick loves all food. He seriously eats as much as a 200-pound man. I actually love it considering Jake sticks to a really strict diet...of said breakfast cookies, pizza, burgers, fruit snacks, occasional fruit, ice cream, PB&J, yogurt, and countless snacks.

So, since we were stuck inside - again - this past Sunday with frigid temps, I decided to make muffins. I saw a recipe for real breakfast cookies (I guess I'm not so genius on my terminology afterall) on the muffin mix I bought. This gave me the idea of using some granola, puréed sweet potatoes & vegetable oil to make breakfast cookies that I can serve both boys. I swear you can't even taste the sweet potatoes. And at only 100 calories & 5g fat each, I shouldn't get scolded by my husband...even if they opt for TWO! :)

- 1 Package of your favorite blueberry muffin mix (I used the Krusteaz brand because they use real blueberries...and I like it!)
- 1/4c Vegetable Oil
- 1/2c of your favorite granola (try Whirlybird's Original - it's all natural & handmade by an amazing gal, who also happens to be my college roommate! Check it out at
- 3.5oz of pureed sweet potato baby food
- 1/2c water
- 1 large egg

Preheat your oven to 350*.

Combine all of the ingredients in a large mixing bowl until it's all mixed together. From there, drop 1tbsp balls onto an ungreased, nonstick cookie sheet - should yield about 16, so I did 8 and 8 per cookie sheet.

Bake the cookies for 10-12 minutes, or until they start to turn golden brown on top. Remove from the over and let cool on the cookie sheet for another 2-3 minutes. Serve warm or at room temp!

This little guy gobbled these up and looked so cute doing so!

- Try making this with banana muffin mix & using Whirlybird chocolate granola!

Nutritional Facts per Serving (recipe yields 16 servings of 1 cookie per serving):
Calories: 105
Fat: 5g
Sodium: 84mg
Carbs: 12g
Protein: 2g

Monday, March 3, 2014

Southern-Style Frittata with Andouille

For this adult-style breakfast-for-dinner dish, I basically took the standard concept of jambalaya & made it into a frittata. With the amount of flavor & protein this meal has, it's hard to believe it is less than 250 calories per serving! 

- 1 small yellow onion, chopped
- 1 medium green bell pepper, chopped
- 2tbsp extra virgin olive oil
- 3 links of Andouille Chicken Sausage (I used Bilinski's brand from EarthFare), chopped into bite-size pieces
- 16oz Egg Beaters
- 1/4c reduced fat shredded Mexican cheese blend
- 4tbsp of your favorite salsa

Preheat the oven to 350*.

In a medium oven-safe skillet that has deep edges, heat the oil over medium heat. Add the onion & peppers and saute until the start to become tender, about 5-7 minutes. Add the sausage and cook for another 5 minutes. Pour in the egg beaters and stir in the cheese.

Put the skillet in the oven in & bake for about 20-25 minutes, or until the frittata begins to turn golden brown. Cut into 4 even pieces & serve each piece with 1tbsp of salsa. 

Nutritional Info Per Serving (recipe yields 4 servings):
Calories: 245
Fat: 13g
Sodium: 775mg
Protein: 26g
Carbs: 3g

Mediterranean Pasta with Feta & Pine Nuts

This recipe is courtesy of my best gal pal, Sarah. All of the photos are from her own kitchen, which is why it looks way prettier than any of my photos. When Sarah told me about the dish, I never doubted it would be delicious, however, it ended up tasting even better than I expected! I love feta & pasta so I was completely sold before I even tasted it.

With only a few ingredients and less than 20 minutes of cooking time, this is an instant go-to for any weeknight meal. Plus, it could easily double as lunch with leftovers.

- 12oz box of Rotini (I use the Rozini Smart Taste brand)
- 1tbsp extra virgin olive oil
- 1 pint cherry tomatoes, sliced in halves
- 4 cloves of garlic, crushed
- 2/3oz fresh basil, roughly chopped
- 4oz reduced fat feta
- 2oz pine nuts

Cook the pasta according to the package.

In the mean time, heat the oil over medium heat in a large skillet. Add the garlic & tomatoes & cook for about 10 minutes, stirring frequently. Stir in the basil until it is wilted. Add the pasta to the tomato mixture and stir in the feta & pine nuts. Toss everything together until it is evenly combined and serve. 

TIP: It goes great with your favorite red wine after a long day at the office!

Nutritional Info per Serving (recipe yields 4 servings):
Calories: 468
Fat: 18g
Sodium: 409mg
Protein: 18g
Carbs: 43g

Turkey Taco Salad

I have been a huge fan of tacos since as far back as I can remember. I distinctly remember going to the Park Inn and ordering hard shell tacos with the cheese not melted. The basic meat, lettuce, and cheese hard shell has always been my favorite.

In an effort to enjoy this traditional classic dish but not feel guilty, I've made a few alterations to skip the extra grease and deep-fried exterior. I have to admit, I still prefer the crunch of the taco to the salad, but this is a delicious option that is much more heart-friendly.

- 1lb lean ground turkey
- 1 packet of low sodium taco seasoning
- 1 bag of shredded lettuce
- 1 medium tomato, chopped
- 1 medium avocado, chopped
- 1/2c reduced fat shredded Mexican cheese
- 1/4c low-fat sour cream
- 1/4c of your favorite salsa


Cook the turkey meat according to the instructions on the taco seasoning packet. Once the meat is prepared, top the lettuce with the meat, tomato, avocado, cheese, sour cream, and salsa. Toss the salad so everything is combined and enjoy!

- Garnish with some jalapenos to add some heat.
- If you don't like ground turkey, swap with ground chicken.
- Most of the fat in this recipe comes from the avocado, which is GOOD fat!

Nutritional Info per Serving (recipe yields 4 servings):
Calories: 324
Fat: 17g
Sodium: 688mg
Protein: 30g

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Chicken & Veggie Pesto Gnocchi

I was contemplating posting this meal because it ended up being way higher in calories, sodium, carbs (basically everything) than I anticipated. I am not really sure what I was thinking considering the main ingredients of pesto are oil & cheese. I guess I was having a mom moment & only using about 1/3 of my brain & just thought of the veggies & thought, "this has to be healthy!"...not really.

Alas, it was delicious! And who am I to deprive my friends of a delicious meal just because it's over 600 calories per serving? We all have to splurge every now & then...and this isn't even that bad compared to some pasta dishes. It's still full of veggies, plus I have a healthy alternative at the bottom that will get you under 500 calories per serving :)


For the pesto...
- 3oz fresh baby spinach
- About 6 leaves of fresh basil
- About 1 handful of fresh cilantro leaves
- 2tbsp fresh lemon juice
- 4 cloves of garlic, peeled
- 1/2c grated Parmesan cheese
- 1/4c extra virgin olive oil
To make the pesto, combine the 6 ingredients in a food processor & turn it on. As it is pulsing, slowly add the olive oil. Pulse until smooth. You can refrigerate this pesto for up to 2 days, however, let it stand at room temperature for 30 minutes before using it in this dish.

For the rest of the dish...
- 1lb whole wheat Gnocchi
- 2 boneless/skinless chicken breasts, diced (about 1-1.25lbs)
- About 10 mini sweet peppers, seeded & sliced in half (I used red & orange)
- 2 medium yellow squash, cut into half-moons
- 3oz of fresh baby spinach
- 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
- 4 cloves of garlic, minced


Preheat your oven to 425*. Coat a 9x13 baking dish with cooking spray.

Put the chicken, peppers, squash & spinach in the baking dish. Drizzle with the oil & add the garlic. Toss until the vegetables & chicken are evenly coated with the oil & garlic. Put in the oven & bake for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, toss the veggies & chicken & continue to bake for another 10 minutes.

While the veggies & chicken are cooking, cook the Gnocci according to the package.

Once the veggies & chicken are done cooking, add it to the Gnocci. Add in the prepared pesto and toss everything together. Garnish with some grated parm & enjoy!

- Garnish with some crushed red pepper flakes to add a little kick.
- If you aren't a fan of Gnocchi, swap with some whole what rotini or bowties.

Nutritional Info Per Serving (recipe yields 4 servings):
Calories: 624
Fat: 23g
Sodium: 980mg
Protein: 41g
Carbs: 58g

To cut down on the calories & fat, cut out the pesto all together. When mixing the veggies & chicken with the Gnocci, drizzle in 1tbsp of extra virgin olive oil, 1/4c of grated Parmesan cheese, and 2 about 6 leaves of fresh basil chopped up. Mix together & enjoy an equally as tasty, but more figure-friendly, dish.

Alternative Recipe Nutritional Info Per Serving (recipe yields 4 servings):
Calories: 495
Fat: 11g
Sodium: 750
Protein: 37g
Carbs: 58g

Chicken Pot Pie

My mom has been going on and on about this chicken pot pie she made for weeks so I finally bought the ingredients to make it this past Sunday since it isn't really an after work meal since it takes over an hour of cooking time.

After almost a week of the flu bug swirling around the Eddy household, I think Justin was very excited to have a nice, home-cooked, Sunday-kinda meal. And to be quite honest, I seldom make traditional, home-cooked meals like meatloaf or pot pie. So when something like this is on the menu, it's always a treat for the Ju-man.

Since I usually associate with pot pie as being very high-calorie/fat, I was pleasantly surprised to see the recipe my mom used didn't even have that many unhealthy ingredients, so it really wasn't difficult to revise it to get it under 500 calories. I also added some extra veggies since it was an easy way to incorporate them into a meal.

It ended up being a big thumbs up from adults to the kiddos! Both Nick (9mos) & my nephews (7 & almost 2) loved this dish...if Jake would taste anything these days, I am sure he would've, too. I have no doubt that it will be on the menu for when the boys go for their next sleepover at Nonna's!

- 3c cooked chicken breast, diced (you can grill or boil some chicken breasts or use canned chicken in water)
- 1tbsp extra virgin olive oil
- 2 medium leeks, the bottom white portion only, chopped
- 1/2c flour
- 14oz low-sodium chicken stock
- 2.5c frozen pea/carrot mixture
- 1/2c fresh parsley, chopped
- 2 eggs
- 1tbsp water
- 2 pie crusts - I used the Pillsbury regular 2-pack


Preheat your oven to 375*.

Coat a pie-dish with cooking spray. Place one of the pie crusts in the pie-dish and set aside.

In a medium skillet, heat the oil over medium heat. Add the chopped leeks & saute for about 3 minutes. Add the flour & the chicken broth & whisk until the mixture begins to thicken, about 3 minutes. Mix in the chicken, pea/carrot mixture and parsley. Pour the mixture into the pie dish.

Slice the remaining pie crust into long pieces and make a lattice (basket-woven) top pie crust on the pot pie. Mix the water & egg & brush on the pie crust.

Bake for about 55-60 minutes, until the crust is golden & the mixture is bubbling. Let stand for about 10-15 minutes before serving.

"Yummy, Mama!"

- This is great as leftovers, so make it on a Sunday to bring for lunch for a couple of days.
- Leeks can have somewhat of a bold flavor, so swap them with celery or skip them all together if you don't like the taste.
- To cute some calories & carbs, skip the bottom pie crust.

Nutritional Info Per Serving (recipe yields 6 servings):
Calories: 459
Fat: 19g
Sodium: 530mg
Protein: 25g
Carbs: 40g

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Spicy Sticky Chicken with Garlic Roasted Peppers

I found a Cooking Light  recipe for Sticky Soy-Hoision Chicken Thighs that sounded really good so I thought I would make a version that incorporated Siracha since we are huge fans of Siracha in our house. I also subbed the thighs for breasts to make it a bit healthier.

Since everything is cooked in the oven, the hardest part was mixing the marinade, which didn't take long at all. The end result was really good and not as spicy as I anticipated with the Siracha. But if you don't like spicy, I would limit the Siracha or just skip it all together.

- 2 large skinless bone-in chicken breasts (about 2lbs)
- 1/4c orange juice
- 1/2c low-sodium chicken broth
- 1 tbsp Siracha
- 1.5 tbsp honey
- 1 tbsp Hoision
- 2 tbsp low-sodium soy sauce
- 1 tsp cornstarch
- 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
- 4 bell peppers, seeded & sliced lengthwise (I used a mixture of red, yellow and orange)
- 4 cloves of garlic, minced
- Fresh black pepper to taste


In a large Ziploc bag, combine the orange juice, chicken broth, Siracha, honey, Hoision, and soy sauce. Add the chicken and let marinade at room temperature for 30 minutes. You can marinade the chicken in the fridge overnight. Just make sure to let it stand at room temperature for 30 minutes prior to cooking.

Once the chicken is done marinading, preheat your oven to 450*. Line a large roasting pan with aluminum foil & spray the rack with cooking spray. Line half of the wire rack with aluminum foil.

In a large bowl, add the peppers, oil, garlic, and pepper and mix well. Place the peppers on the side of the rack that is lined with aluminum foil.

Place the chicken on the other side of the rack that is not lined. In a small sauce pan, add the remaining marinade and cornstarch. Cook over medium-high heat until it begins to boil, stirring constantly. Continue to stir and cook for about 2-3 minutes, until it becomes thick. Brush the chicken with some of the sauce to coat evenly.

Place the peppers and chicken in the oven and bake for 15 minutes. Keep the marinade in the saucepan but remove it from heat. Once the peppers & chicken have baked for 15 minutes, brush the chicken with some more marinade & then bake for another 15 minutes.

To serve, brush the chicken with the remaining marinade one last time. Cut the each breast into 2 servings to make 4 servings of chicken. Serve alongside the peppers.

- To cut down on the spice, swap the Siracha for Balsamic Vinegar.
- To add a starch, add a serving of brown rice or Quinoa (see my Almond Quinoa blog post for a good recipe!) as a side dish.

Nutritional Info Per Serving (recipe yields 4 servings):
Calories: 350
Fat: 7g
Sodium: 568mg
Protein: 52g
Carbs: 16g

Monday, February 17, 2014

Red Pepper Glazed Chicken w/ Almond Quinoa

While thumbing through Cooking Light magazine last week at the gym, I came across a couple recipes that I thought sounded worth a try so I made note of them and I am trying out my own versions this week. This was the first of the recipes I thought sounded good...and I was right!

I get bored with chicken very easily and while pregnant with both boys, the smell, taste and even thought of cooking/eating chicken made me sick. So I am always trying to find ways to reinvent chicken and keep it exciting, since it shows up on our menu a lot.

This chicken recipe adds a very simple glaze that is full of flavor but very figure friendly. Since it wasn't a marinade, I didn't have to remember to marinade the meat overnight or in the morning, which can be a pretty tough task for me when I'm getting everything else together for the boys. Plus, it's much lower in sodium than most of your basic marinades.

I skipped the homemade version of the quinoa and just bought an easy, already flavored box at the store and added my own extras to it to give it a little more flare.

I was really surprised at how good this chicken came out and I am even excited to have leftovers for lunch tomorrow! Justin & I already started thinking of other versions of the glaze we can make for future dishes. Enjoy!


For the Quinoa:
- 1 4.8oz box of Easy Quinoa (I got the Nature's Earthly Choice brand, roasted garlic & olive oil flavor)
- 1.5c low-sodium chicken stock
- 3tbsp sliced, raw almonds, unsalted
- 1 stalk of green scallions, chopped

For the Chicken:
- 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts.(about 1.5lbs)
- 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
- Seas salt & fresh ground pepper to taste
- 2c low-sodium chicken stock
- 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
- 1/3c red pepper jelly


Prepare the quinoa according to the package. I subbed the water for low-sodium chicken broth to add more flavor. Once the quinoa is done cooking, stir in the almonds and a couple handfuls of the fresh, chopped scallions. Serve with a few sprinkles of extra almonds on top.

While the quinoa is cooking, heat the oil over a medium-large skillet over medium-high heat. Season the chicken on both sides with salt & pepper to taste. Add the chicken to the heated skillet and cook until it is cooked through, about 7-10 minutes per side (depending on how thick the breasts are).

Once the chicken is cooked, remove from the pan and set aside on a plate. Add the chicken broth, vinegar, and jelly to the skillet and cook over medium-high heat, stirring frequently, until it begins to boil. Once the mixture is boiling, reduce the heat to medium-low heat and simmer for about 5 more minutes, until the glaze begins to thicken.

Spoon the glaze over the chicken to serve.

- Add a side of veggies to this meal or even mix some in to the quinoa to get your daily veggie servings.
- Try a different kind of jelly to mix in, such as a spicy pepper flavor or maybe even an apple jelly for a sweeter option.
- Make sure to get some of the glaze in the quinoa when eating, it adds an extra delicious factor!

Nutritional Info Per Serving (recipe yields 4 servings):
Calories: 436
Fat: 11g
Sodium: 441mg
Protein: 50g
Carbs: 36g

Sunday, February 16, 2014

BBQ Chicken Quesadilla w/ Greek Yogurt Ranch

My cousin, Dawn, had posted a challenge link from The Rachael Ray show to create a recipe using only the ingredients that were in the fridge that was posted in a picture. I couldn't really tell everything that was in the fridge, nonetheless, I came up with these awesome BBQ chicken quesadillas and a ranch dip made with Greek yogurt that is only 20 calories per serving!


- 2c plain Greek yogurt (I used Fage brand)
- 1 packet Ranch Dip seasoning (I used Hidden Valley)
- 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
- 1 medium white onion, sliced lengthwise
- 1 sweet bell pepper, sliced lengthwise (I used yellow but you could use any color)
- 3/4lb boneless, skinless, chicken tenders
- salt & pepper to taste
- 1/4c of your favorite BBQ Sauce (I used Sweet Baby Ray's)
- 1/4c reduced fat shredded cheddar cheese (I used Sargento brand)
- 2 wheat soft taco sized tortillas (I used the Giant Eagle brand)


To make the ranch, simply mix the seasoning packet and Greek yogurt until it is thoroughly blended.

For the quesadillas, heat the oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the onion and pepper and saute until they begin to become tender, about 5 minutes. Season the chicken tenders with salt & pepper to taste and add them to the skillet with the onions and peppers. Cook the chicken until it is cooked through, about 5 minutes per side.

Remove the chicken, peppers and onions and put them in a large bowl. Add the BBQ sauce and toss until the evenly coated.

Spray your skillet with cooking spray and place one of the tortillas in the skillet. Spread the cheese on the tortillas so it covers the whole tortilla. Add the chicken, onions and peppers and spread so it covers the whole tortilla. Top with the other tortilla. Cook over medium heat for about 1-2 minutes, until the tortilla is golden & the cheese begins to melt. Flip and cook the other side for another 1-2 minutes, until it is golden and the cheese is melted.

Remove the quesadilla and cut into 4 even wedges. Serve 2 wedges, each with 1tbsp of the Greek yogurt ranch dip.

- The Ranch dip makes 16tbsp, so save the leftovers and dip your favorite veggies in it throughout the week.
- To add some spice, serve with some jalapenos or hot sauce.
- You can easily double this recipe to feed a family of 4. You can cook the same way, just doubling the ingredients.

Nutritional Info Per Serving (recipe yields 2 servings - 2 wedges & 2 tbsp of Ranch per serving):

Calories: 498
Fat: 15g
Sodium: 820mg
Protein: 49g
Carbs: 47g

2tbsp Greek Yogurt Ranch Dip Only:
Calories: 20
Fat: 0g
Sodium: 101mg
Protein: 3g
Carbs: 2g

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Parmesan Chicken with Lemon Vinaigrette Spring Mix

When Justin & I started dating, he would always talk about this chicken Parmesan his mom made and I just assumed it was the classic (delicious) Italian chicken Parm dish...breaded, fried, smothered in cheese & red sauce, and served with a side of your favorite pasta. So when I had it for the first time, I was a confused when there was no cheese, sauce, or pasta...still the end result was equally as delicious as what I expected!

It turns out the "chicken Parm" Justin ranted & raved about was a Barefoot Contessa Parmesan Chicken recipe by the Barefoot Contessa (Justin's mom loves Ina Garten) that incorporated the parm in the breading and was served with a side of salad greens with homemade lemon vinaigrette. 

When I made this tonight, Justin brought up the time he made this for me on Valentine's Day about 4 years ago and he was SO proud of it! (And somehow it ended up taking him like an hour to cook and he made a giant mess, which I am still trying to understand).

Nevertheless, I promise that this is actually a very easy recipe with minimal ingredients and prep. It's light & delicious yet still a great comfort food. I've made a few alterations to the original recipe to make it a healthier, such as skipping the butter & salt, finishing the cooking by baking, and adding more lemon to decrease the amount of oil. 

This is a perfect meal to serve to really wow your guests. Just make sure you tell them you will be serving Parmesan Chicken and not chicken Parmesan. 


- 4 (about 1.25-1.5lbs) boneless, skinless chicken breasts, thin-sliced 
- 1/3c flour
- 2 eggs
- 1/4c bread crumbs
- 1/4c grated Parmesan cheese
- 1tsp dried parsley
- 1tsp oregano
- 2tbsp extra virgin olive oil

Lemon Vinaigrette Spring Mix:
- 1/4c extra virgin olive oil
- 1/4c fresh lemon juice (the juice of about 3 lemons)
- Fresh ground pepper to taste (about 3-4 cranks)
- 5oz organic spring mix (or your favorite field greens)
- 1/4c shaved Parmesan cheese


Preheat your oven to 350* and coat a 9x13 cooking dish with cooking spray.

In the mean time, arrange 3 shallow bowls near each other. In the 1st bowl, add the flour. In the 2nd bowl, add the bread crumbs, grated Parmesan, parsley and oregano and mix together. In the 3rd bowl, scramble the 2 eggs together.

Take one piece of chicken and evenly coat it with the flour, then the egg, and finally the breadcrumb mixture, then place it on a plate. Repeat this with the remaining chicken.

Heat the 2tbsp of EVOO in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Once it is hot, place the chicken in the pan. Cook the chicken until it is golden brown on each side, about 2-3 minutes per side. Once the chicken is done browning, arrange the chicken in the baking dish. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes.

While the chicken is baking, make the lemon vinaigrette by combining the EVOO, fresh lemon juice, and fresh ground pepper. In a salad bowl, add the spring mix and shaved Parmesan and then pour the vinaigrette over the greens. Toss all of the ingredients together.

Once the the chicken is done cooking, serve alongside the mixed greens & enjoy!

- If you can't find these thin-sliced, buy regular breasts (you will probably only need 2 if they're big) and pound them until they're about 1/2" thick.
- Make sure your bites include the chicken and greens together. The lemon vinaigrette is what really makes the flavor pop in this dish!

Nutritional Info Per Serving (recipe yields 4 servings):
Calories: 506
Fat: 29g
Sodium: 476mg
Protein: 41g
Carbs: 19g

Chicken Only:
Calories: 346
Fat: 13
Sodium: 381
Protein: 38
Carbs: 17

Lemon Vinaigrette Spring Mix Only:
Calories: 160
Fat: 16
Sodium: 95
Protein: 3
Carbs: 2

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Korean-Style BBQ Chicken Over Brown Rice

Some work days can be 12+ hours long for me when I have morning meetings & evening events. On these days, I obviously can't be home in time to cook dinner & it isn't exactly easy to cook dinner, or even grab takeout, for Justin when he has both boys.

I have 4 of these days scheduled for February, so I've been trying to come up with crock-pot meals for Justin to make sure his belly is satisfied on the evenings that he is acting as super-dad!

Unfortunately, I have found some really complicated crock-pot brown your meat then add everything to the crock-pot kind of meals. Since we have 2 kids to wrangle in the morning before heading out the door at 7:30am, I want to literally dump the stuff in the crock-pot in 2 minutes and be done.

Luckily, Campbell's has a new line of Slow Cooker ready sauces out that I've been trying. This time, I picked up the Sweet Korean BBQ packet and decided to sub the recommended beef for chicken breasts and serve it over brown rice. Although it is a little higher in sodium than I typically like, it is a lot healthier than ordering Chinese takeout.

The next time you want to come home from work with your dinner waiting, try out this recipe. The hardest part was remembering to throw it in the crock-pot during our hectic morning routine!

- 1 package of Campbell's Sweet Korean BBQ Slow Cooker Sauces
- 2-2.5lbs of boneless, skinless chicken breast
- 1c of dry brown rice

Place the chicken in the crock-pot and pour the sauce over top. Cook on low for 8-hours.

Prior to serving, prepare your brown rice according to the package. Serve the chicken over the rice with some extra sauce.

- To save time, use the ready-to-eat rice packages that take a quick :90 second zap in the microwave or the boil-in-a-bag option that takes 10 minutes
- Add some fresh chopped scallions on top to add some color and crunch
- Grab a package of the stir-fry veggie steamers in the frozen food section and mix this in when serving to add a serving of veggies
- To cut carbs, add the veggies and skip the rice all together

Nutritional Info Per Serving (recipe yields 4 servings):
Calories: 445
Fat: 9g
Sodium: 1,065mg
Protein: 54g
Carbs: 72g

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Mozzarella & Tomato Stuffed Portabellos with Roasted Red Peppers & Asparagus

Growing up and well into my adulthood, I was not a huge fan of vegetables. In fact, I never ate any vegetables unless it was covered with Ranch dressing. I didn't realize how much delicious food I was missing out on until I started trying veggies in various form....roasted, grilled, sauteed.

Portabellos are such a great vegetable. They are so meaty that I, along with many others, consider them the steak of the vegetarian world. I had my first portabello "burger" about 4 years ago at the Rocky River Brewing Company and I was immediately sold. It was marinated in balsamic vinegar and paired with the perfect veggies & mozzarella cheese...I didn't regret for a minute that I didn't opt for "real" burger instead.

Tonight I tried my hand at making a stuffed portabello cap as a main dish and served it up with a side of roasted red peppers and asparagus and my taste-buds were pleasantly surprised. And not to toot my own horn, but Justin actually said it was so good that it could be served at a gourmet restaurant (brownie points for the Ju-man!).

If you have never been a fan of veggies or haven't known how to prepare them, take a stab at this recipe. I think you'll become an instant veggie-lover.


For the roasted veggies....
1 lb green asparagus, trim off the ends
2 large red peppers, core and julienne lengthwise
4 cloves of garlic, chopped
1 medium shallot, sliced
4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1/4 tsp sea salt
Fresh ground pepper to taste

For the stuffed portabellos...
4 medium-large portabello caps
1/4 c balsamic vinegar + another tbsp of balsamic vinegar
1 lb sweet tomatoes, diced (about 5-6 Roma tomatoes)
4oz of pearled fresh mozzarella cheese
4 cloves of garlic, minced
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp dried basil
1/4 tsp sea salt
Fresh ground pepper to taste


Preheat your oven to 425*.

In a 9x13 baking dish, add all of the ingredients for the roasted veggies & toss until evenly combined. Place the veggies in the oven and roast for 20 minutes.

While the veggies are roasting, heat 2 tbsp of EVOO in a grill pan over medium-high heat.

Clean the portabello caps with a damp paper towel. Place 1/4 cup of balsamic vinegar on a small plate that has edges, or you could use a large bowl. Brush 1 portabello cap with the balsamic so it is evenly coated and set aside. Repeat this with the remaining 3 caps.

Once they are coated with the balsamic, place the cap in the heated grill pan and grill each side for about 3-4 minutes.

While the mushroom caps are grilling, in a large bowl ad the tomatoes, mozzarella, garlic, 1tbsp of balsamic vinegar, 2tbsp of EVOO, basil, salt, and pepper and mix together.

Evenly scoop the tomato & mozzarello salad into the 4 caps and serve alongside the roasted veggies.

- You could make each of these dishes separately and serve them as sides alongside grilled chicken or steak.
- I broke out the nutritional info per dish in case you decide to serve these separately.
- Add a side of brown rice or pearled couscous to this dish if you are looking to add a starch.

Nutritional Info Per Serving (recipe yields 4 servings):
Calories: 302
Fat: 19
Sodium: 358
Carbs: 20g
Protein: 13g

Roasted Veggies Only:
Calories: 112
Fat: 7g
Sodium: 143mg
Carbs: 9g
Protein: 3g

Stuffed Portabello Mushroom Caps Only:
Calories: 190
Fat: 12g
Sodium: 215mg
Carbs: 11g
Protein: 10g

Monday, February 10, 2014

Cast-Iron Pork Tenderloin with Shaved Brussel Sprouts

Brussel sprouts have become very popular since some great restaurants started featuring them on their menus. My first taste of brussel sprouts was at Lola about 7 years ago and I was not disappointed...then again, I have never been disappointed by anything I've had at any of Michael Symon's restaurants.

My version of brussel sprouts includes the staples of garlic & shallots, however, I add some turkey bacon and use extra virgin olive oil to make it extra tasty but keep it healthy.

Pork tenderloin is a very lean and inexpensive choice for dinner and it doesn't take much to make it taste good. A little steak seasoning and some time in the oven and you're good to go.

Pairing the brussel sprouts with turkey bacon along with the pork tenderloin seemed like a no-brainer, and we weren't disappointed! We had both my dad & Justin's dad over for dinner when I made this and I got a thumbs up from all 3 meat-loving men.

- One Lean Pork Tenderloin (about 1.25-1.5lbs)
- 1/4c water
- 4 slices of turkey bacon (I used the Woodstown All Natural, Uncured brand & I found it at Giant Eagle)
- 1 tbsp of your favorite steak seasoning (I used Stubbs)
- 1 bag of shaved brussel sprouts (I found this by the fresh produce, Green Giant brand)
- 1 medium shallot, chopped
- 4 cloves of garlic, chopped
- 4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
- Fresh ground black pepper

Pre-heat your oven to 425*.

Heat your cast-iron skillet over med-high heat. Add the water and then add the bacon. Cook the bacon for about 3-4 minutes on each side, until browned. Once this is cooked, chop and then set aside.

Meanwhile. season your pork tenderloin with the steak seasoning so the pork is evenly coated. In a large bowl, add your brussel sprouts, shallot, garlic, and a few cranks of fresh ground black pepper.

Add 2 tbsp of the oil to the hot skillet and swirl around until the skillet is evenly coated. Add the pork tenderloin and cook for about 1 minute until it is has a golden crust. Turn and cook the other side for about 1 minute.

While you are browning the pork, add the bacon and remaining 2 tbsp of the oil to the brussel sprouts and combine.

Once the pork is browned on each side, add the brussel sprouts to the cast-iron skillet. Put the entire skillet in the oven and bake for about 35 minutes. Let rest in the skillet for about minutes before serving.



- If you don't have a cast-iron skillet, brown the bacon and pork tenderloin in a large skillet and then transfer everything to a 9x13 baking dish.

Nutritional Info Per Serving (recipe yields 4 servings):
Calories: 340
Fat: 18g
Sodium: 750mg
Protein: 37g

Turkey Sausage, Tomato & Arugula Pasta

I love pasta. If I had to choose only 1 meal I could eat for the rest of my life, it would undoubtedly be my Grandma Phil's homemade cavatelli. Unfortunately, eating a ton of pasta isn't a very healthy diet. In an effort to satisfy my pasta cravings, I try to invent lighter versions of some delicious pasta dishes, and also incorporate some ingredients to add extra nutritional value, so I don't feel guilty while indulging on my Italian favorites.

I am a big fan of spicy food, and so is my husband, so I always opt for "hot" whenever it's available. If you your taste buds don't agree with the extra heat, you can easily swap the hot sausage in this recipe with a sweet or mild version. Also, if you aren't a fan of arugula (my mom thinks it's too bitter), switch this with some baby spinach.

This dish is easy, quick (all under 30 minutes), light, and a complete meal loaded with veggies and protein. Whenever I make a pasta dish under 400 calories, I chalk it up as a major success! Plus, since this dish is full of protein so it leaves you full, but doesn't weigh you down.

This has become a go-to classic in my house and I hope it will work its way into your weekly menu, too!

- 1lb hot Italian turkey sausage
- 4 cloves of garlic, chopped
- 1tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 1 pint of cherry tomatoes, sliced in half
- 6 oz of arugula
- 1c low-sodium chicken broth
- 1tbsp dry basil
- 2tbsp dry parsley
- 1/4c grated Parmesan cheese
- 4c of dry whole wheat shells pasta (about 1/2 of a 16oz package)


Cook the pasta according to the package. Note: I do not add salt to my boiling water to stay away from any extra sodium. But if you prefer to season your water with some salt, feel free!

In the mean time, heat the oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the garlic and saute for about 1 minute. Add the sausage by squeezing it out of the casings. As it begins to cook, break up the sausage with a skillet. Cook the sausage for about 7-10 minutes, or until it is cooked through.

Add the cherry tomatoes, arugula and chicken broth. Mix all of the ingredients together in the skillet and cover with a lid. Let this cook until he arugula begins to wilt, about 3-5 minutes. Add the basil, parsley, and Parmesan cheese and combine.

Add the cooked pasta to the skillet and combine until all ingredients are evenly combined. Serve with a garnish of shaved or grated fresh Parmesan cheese.

I garnish with some red pepper flakes to add a little extra heat to my meal.

- You can swap the hot sausage with a sweet version.
- You can swap the turkey sausage with chicken sausage.
- Replace the arugula with baby spinach or use a spinach/arugula mixture
- Try a twist or bowtie pasta instead of shells

Nutritional Info Per Serving (recipe yields 4 servings):
- Calories: 400
- Fat: 18g
- Sodium: 875mg
- Carbs: 45g
- Protein: 32g