Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Korean-Style BBQ Chicken Over Brown Rice

Some work days can be 12+ hours long for me when I have morning meetings & evening events. On these days, I obviously can't be home in time to cook dinner & it isn't exactly easy to cook dinner, or even grab takeout, for Justin when he has both boys.

I have 4 of these days scheduled for February, so I've been trying to come up with crock-pot meals for Justin to make sure his belly is satisfied on the evenings that he is acting as super-dad!

Unfortunately, I have found some really complicated crock-pot brown your meat then add everything to the crock-pot kind of meals. Since we have 2 kids to wrangle in the morning before heading out the door at 7:30am, I want to literally dump the stuff in the crock-pot in 2 minutes and be done.

Luckily, Campbell's has a new line of Slow Cooker ready sauces out that I've been trying. This time, I picked up the Sweet Korean BBQ packet and decided to sub the recommended beef for chicken breasts and serve it over brown rice. Although it is a little higher in sodium than I typically like, it is a lot healthier than ordering Chinese takeout.

The next time you want to come home from work with your dinner waiting, try out this recipe. The hardest part was remembering to throw it in the crock-pot during our hectic morning routine!

- 1 package of Campbell's Sweet Korean BBQ Slow Cooker Sauces
- 2-2.5lbs of boneless, skinless chicken breast
- 1c of dry brown rice

Place the chicken in the crock-pot and pour the sauce over top. Cook on low for 8-hours.

Prior to serving, prepare your brown rice according to the package. Serve the chicken over the rice with some extra sauce.

- To save time, use the ready-to-eat rice packages that take a quick :90 second zap in the microwave or the boil-in-a-bag option that takes 10 minutes
- Add some fresh chopped scallions on top to add some color and crunch
- Grab a package of the stir-fry veggie steamers in the frozen food section and mix this in when serving to add a serving of veggies
- To cut carbs, add the veggies and skip the rice all together

Nutritional Info Per Serving (recipe yields 4 servings):
Calories: 445
Fat: 9g
Sodium: 1,065mg
Protein: 54g
Carbs: 72g

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