Monday, January 13, 2014

Corporate Conundrums

As you've probably now realized, I am a working mom. I work in sales for a business magazine. This means, I spend a lot of time at corporate breakfasts, lunches, happy hours, and dinners rubbing elbows with some of the most influential players in Northeast Ohio (note: I am not one of these players).

Although this can sound pretty fun & is a nice break from the housewife/mom duties, it can make it really tough to stick to any kind of healthy diet. These breakfasts offer your eggs/bacon/potato menu while the lunch/dinner is usually a piece of breaded chicken smothered in a creamy sauce, with a huge helping of carbs and a piece of giant cheesecake staring you in the face for the entire event. I can't forget the cheese spreads & free wine/beer that's the networking happy hour staple.

Over the past 6+ years, I've learned that I need to mentally (and physically) prepare myself before going to one of these events so I don't overindulge. For example, today I had one of my monthly board meeting lunches, so around 11, I ate an apple & told myself I wasn't going to get anything other than a salad. Here was the end result...pretty & delicious!

- If it's a breakfast, eat breakfast BEFORE you go. Make sure you plan accordingly in the morning so you have enough time to do so. When you're at the event, stick with only a few pieces of fruit so it still looks like you're eating.
- If it's a lunch or dinner, make sure you have a filling, healthy snack (try an apple or a handful of raw almonds) before you head out for the event. Then stick with only the salad and fresh veggies offered with your meal.
- Skip the apps! There is nothing nutritious about any app you could ever get at one of these events. Trust me, the chicken egg roll or Swedish meatball just really isn't worth it.
- As your networking during happy hour, skip the wine & opt for water. If you really want to tip one back, make the one glass last the whole time instead of going for the second.
- Skip the bread & dessert. I know, it looks (and is) delicious and it's nearly impossible to resist. Don't reach in the bread basket and once you're done with your meal, place your napkin over the dessert so you aren't tempted.
- Choose iced tea (unsweetened) over pop. Pop is the worst, even diet.
- Choose clear/vinaigrette type dressings over creamy and use it sparingly.
- Whenever you get the "there is a giant cheesecake" or "there are 750 donuts in the break room" email, delete it & avoid the break room for the rest of the day.

What are some of the tricks you play on yourself before heading to a corporate function so you don't fall of your food wagon?!

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