Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Seared Tuna Steaks with Garlic Couscous

I never order seafood at restaurants, primarily because I am allergic to shellfish & salmon. The only time I ever order tuna is when we get sushi. So when I ordered Ahi Tuna when we were in New Orleans a couple months ago, that was a huge change for me...and it turned out to be one of the most delicious meals I've ever tasted!

The Ahi Tuna was served over sauteed spinach that was so good, I would've honestly chosen to eat it over ice cream. I am sure it was made with mounds of butter & garlic, but hey...when in Rome (or in this case, NOLA). I've been thinking about that meal since that night and even ordered something similar recently while out to dinner, which ended up being a total dud.

Nonetheless, they had some tuna steaks at Giant Eagle a couple weeks ago so I picked them up and thought I would try my hand at it. Justin forgot the spinach I ordered when I sent him shopping this past weekend, so I had to settle with serving it over some quick boxed couscous. For my first try at seared tuna, I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. Although it wasn't as good as the meal I had in NOLA, it served as a decent substitute until we can make our way back down to the Big Easy. 

Plus tuna steaks are lo-cal, lo-fat, lo-carb, and SUPER high-protein. Not to mention, the total cooking time is 5 minutes for these bad boys. Also, this entire meal cost me $15 - one meal alone at a nice restaurant would run you $25-30.

WARNING: These are served raw so if you aren't into raw fish - or if you are pregnant - this is not for you!

- (2) 8oz tuna steaks
- 2 tsp extra virgin olive oil
- Kosher salt & black pepper
- 1 6oz box of roasted garlic & parsley pearl couscous (I used Sidemates brand)

Cook the couscous according to the package but skip the extra virgin olive oil.

Meanwhile, heat a large cast-iron skillet over medium-high heat. Brush each tuna steak with 1/2tsp of extra virgin olive oil & sprinkle with salt & pepper to coat. Repeat on the other side.

Once the skillet is hot, add the tuna steak and cook for 2 1/2 minutes. Flip and cook for another 2 1/2 minutes. 

Remove from the skillet and place on a plate, letting it rest for 5 minutes prior to serving.

Serve with one serving of the couscous and garnish with lemon. So simple, yet so good...and good for you!

- Skip the couscous and serve with a side of sauteed or roasted fresh veggies to make this super healthy.

Nutritional Facts per Serving: Tuna Steaks Only (1 Serving = 1 8oz portion)
Calories: 280
Fat: 6g
Sodium: 380mg
Protein: 60g
Carbs: 0g

Nutritional Facts per Serving: Couscous Only (3 servings per box)
Calories: 210
Fat: 1g
Sodium: 510mg
Protein: 6g
Carbs: 44g

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