Monday, January 13, 2014

Kid's Korner

Warning, this post may make it seem like I am a terrible mom, but I swear I'm not! I'm a very busy mom, who has a full-time job, and not enough hours in the day. Also, this doesn't include any actual recipes since most of the food mentioned is pre-made and takes less than 3 minutes to prepare.

My older son, Jake, was born programmed to only eat the stereotypical dogs, mac-n-cheese, PB&J, chicken nuggets, yogurt, pancakes, burgers, pizza, french fries, keppa (or ketchup as most people refer to it), cookies, cake and a generous variety of fruits (he gets that from me). To be honest, I don't think he's actually eaten a vegetable since 2012 unless you count a veggie straw or potato chip (note: I swear I started him on veggie baby food, proved that theory wrong).

Instead of driving myself crazy trying to be super-mom and forcing my kid to eat all colors of the rainbow, I find healthier options of the things I know he loves. Not to mention, I get home around 5:30/6 at night so Jake is already begging for dinner. Needless to say, I don't exactly have 30 minutes to prepare homemade chicken tenders every night.

After spending probably hours in the grocery store reading nutritional labels & ingredients, here are some healthier & quick meals & snacks that your toddler is sure to enjoy. 

- Pancakes: I buy the Hungry Jack brand pancake mix that you just have to add water. As a backup for days when we just don't have time, I get the frozen mini pancakes or Eggo cinnamon waffles. When choosing a syrup, I always make sure it's labeled No High Fructose Corn Syrup (same rule applies to ketchup).
- Poptarts: I've dubbed these breakfast cookies so Jake actually thinks he's eating a cookie for breakfast. One of the more clever things I've done as a mom, I like to think. Stick with the low-sugar/low-icing and fruit options instead of getting the actual cookie flavors.
- Oatmeal: I get the Quaker single serving fruit blend envelopes and use milk instead of water to sneak in some extra calcium. 
- Turkey Sausage: Jake loves turkey sausage & I think it's a great way to add some extra protein to his diet.

- PB& J: I use whole wheat bread, reduced sugar jelly & all natural creamy peanut butter. Justin cuts them into shapes to make this meal even more fun (a trick he learned from his grandma).
- Hot Dogs: I know hot dogs are terrible for you, but my kid loves them. So I buy the all-natural, white meat turkey dogs. You have to be careful because there is a variation of turkey dogs. Make sure you're getting all white meat. Applegate makes a natural turkey dog that has no-nitrates or preservatives. Ballpark also makes a good all-white meat, lean turkey dog. Both only have about 50 calories per link.
- Mac-N-Cheese: 1-serving cups are so easy & convenient. Velveeta's low-fat shells & cheese are so good and only 220 calories per bowl. The best part is that it's ready in under 4 minutes.
- Light Apple Juice: Mott's makes Light Apple Juice that is already watered down. They even have a variation called "Mott's Tots" sold at target that has a fruit punch and grape flavor. 
- Keppa/Ketchup: Jake dips everything in what he calls keppa, so I get the Heinz brand "simple" ketchup, which is simply tomatoes, sugar, salt, vinegar, and spices. 
- Chicken Nuggets: I get all white-meat chicken nuggets made with whole grain breading & added calcium by Tyson.

- Puffs: I can't believe I took puffs away from Jake at such a young age thinking he was over them. As they've resurrected since Nick is now eating them, I found that Jake still loves these as a snack. 
- Fruit Snacks: I get the Mott's Medleys, which are made with all natural fruit & veggie juices.
- Squeeze Pouches: The applesauce and fruit variation squeeze pouches are a great on-the-go snack.
- Yogurt: I get the Chobani Greek yogurt tubes since there isn't a ton of added sugar and it's high in protein. Keep some frozen so you can take them with you and they stay cold.
- Some other snacks I keep on hand are whole grain goldfish crackers, light popcorn, baked cheese puffs, and thin pretzel sticks.

Please note, Jake eats fresh fruit nonstop all day so even though it isn't mentioned above, it's always a great option any time of the day.

Let me know what are some of your favorite kid-friendly brands and other staples you carry along on any fun outing. 

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