Monday, January 13, 2014

Manic Mondays Mornings

Every morning it seems like Justin & I are herding cattle trying to get our 2yr old & 7mos old boys out the door so we can get to work...and of course, Monday's seem to be even more painful. We hit the snooze a couple extra times, which leaves us scrambling for time instead of scrambling up a healthy breakfast. To top it off, my horoscope only predicted a 2-star day today so things were destined to be chaotic.

Since I know these kind of mornings are inevitable, I always keep a quick on-the-go breakfast on-hand that I can easily grab from the fridge and then eat it when I get to the office. I don't like the typical granola bars since they leave me feeling hungry an hour later. 

Instead, my go-to is always some plain Greek yogurt (I choose Oikos because I like the taste...and I am aware the sugar content is higher than some other brands, so feel free to grab the less-sugary brands to save the carbs) and some FRESH berries. The Greek yogurt is packed with protein so it keeps me full until lunchtime and having a fresh fruit pairing increase the nutrients and just makes it more appetizing. Pair it with a huge helping of water to try to get the week off to a good start.

What are some of your favorite breakfasts that you grab when you're running late? Send me a message with some of your favorites or leave a comment below!

- Drink at least 64oz of water a day. I try to drink at least 40oz by noon so I am well on my way to this goal. Staying hydrated keeps you feeling great plus it helps keep you full.
- Swap your coffee for some hot green tea in the morning. Try it sans sugar and just a squeeze of lemon. This will help get your metabolism going and leaves you feeling guilt-free & energized.

Nutritional Facts:
Calories: 150
Fat: 0g
Sodium: 45mg
Protein: 12g

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